
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Moon Munkie Giveaway: Catching up!

Hey folks!

I am a little behind on posts, as I've been really focusing on conquering that sewing room of mine. If I can get the stash down to manageable levels before the wee one arrives, I may actually have a  place to put the darlin'.

Progress is slow, mind you. In part because I continue to get more and more goodies! :) Kat participated in the Moon Munkie giveaway and offered her own little packages to some lucky winners. One of the winners didn't respond, and I was able to step in as a substitute winner.

Here's what I received:

Nice, right? The fabric in the background has species native to New Zealand all over it, and as Kat noted  in her card, I am an avid fan of little critters. The stranger the better. And being the isolated islands that it is, New Zealand is bound to be full of fun little creatures. I already know what I'm going to use some of this fabric for, so I hope to post on one of the finished projects in the next couple weeks (As I've had Kat's package for a couple weeks now.)

And the pattern for pajamas has arrived right on time for me to participate in the Pyjama Party hosted by Did You Make That? I may veer towards pajama shorts, but we'll have to see. I'm sure super comfy pants will be welcome as I continue to become more awkward and ball-like in the next few months. :)

And if you haven't seen the two projects that Maider's posted using the stuff I sent her? She's actually just let us know who won her own Moon Munkie packages, so I am sadly too late to convince any of you to sign up for them. But I do love her innovative use of the plastic craft mesh (for lack of a better term),

Source: Masustak eguzkitan

and I am  especially fond of her refashion of the skirt I sent.

Source: Masustak eguzkitan

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Seeks!!!!
    I have other project in my mind, but I´m so busy with job especially...and I can´t finish yet.
