
Thursday, May 17, 2012

T-shirt Dress, Re-done

Remember in March, when I wanted to make a dress out of these t-shirts? (Apologies again for the poor quality of the pic, but you get the idea.)

I tried to self-draft a dress, which didn't work out well. And what I thought would work for the use of the green really just didn't want to come together either. So, I made a cute green stripy skirt instead, and threw these cut up tees into my pile of UFOs.

I had intended on wearing the dress out of these tees to my Buddy's work party, since they were from last year's party. When St Paddy's Day came and went, the work party actually was postponed for various reasons to this May. So, putting off the dress wasn't a complete loss of plans: I had a couple of months to get something together.

This is what I came up with, using the free One Shoulder Knit Dress pattern off of Burdastyle (thank you dixiediy!). Super comfy and not reliant on making sense of the print on the massacred tees.

My niece is damn cute.

The top was an interesting lesson in piecing, without a dress form mind you. I tried to use as much of the scraps as I had, so there are some awkward places where lines didn't come together the way I had intended. In the future, I'd likely make two separate blocks of pieced fabric to cut in opposing directions to do a more effective chevron effect. I was a little too limited on available fabric to do it with the way the tees were already cut from my last attempt.

However, the dress is SUPER comfy (did I mention that earlier?) and wears well. I added a little pleat to the front for more belly space, but I'm not sure it was really effective. It certainly is off-center, so I just get distracted by that every time I wear it.

detail on the top

Sorry the pics are not formal, but life has been crazy of late. Setting up some photo shoot just isn't feasible these days. Fortunately, life is crazy with family gatherings, so this increases the chances that I get pictures like this to share. ;)

And this maternity dress counts for the refashioned/altered pattern category and dress category for my Sew, Baby! Challenge. Yay!


  1. Oh. SO. COOL!!!! and awesomely inspiring!

    (yes, le niece is quite cute. um, i was distracted by the piecing.)

  2. That is totally totally amazing! well done you, the style the detail everything is wonderful!!!

  3. Love this so much, I wanna make one :)

  4. Wow I have never seen t-shirts refashioned into a dress in this way before. Love the detailing.

    I also want to add:
    I would be ever so grateful if you would help me build an awesome resource for dress refashions by sharing your favourite dress refashion tutorials here and your fab dress refashions here!

    xx Eddie

    Eddie's Room on Facebook come over for some crafty ideas and conversation. :-)
