Thursday, August 25, 2005

blind contour friday 04

alrighty. i was able to get some scans of these phones, so hopefully things will be a little clearer. thanks eeen!

phone number one

this, as one can see, is a phone. i drew it while i was volunteering at the baltimore county crisis hotline. i do this about once a month these days, though i think that perhaps these hours will increase soon. a lot of the time spent there is spent with these phones. the one you see above is the phone that you use to answer people's calls when they are in crisis. or to answer regular calls too.

phone number one
another phone

this phone is used for quality assurance (so my supervisor can make sure i get better at what i do there) and to let other volunteers into the office. it's a good volunteer opportunity, for those of you in the area. for those in other places, i'm sure that there are similar services around that could use some volunteers. you definitely learn a lot and feel a little bit more prepared to help others find resources that they can use. my only regret is that i cannot do more volunteering there without severely compromising my ability actually to do a good job and to maintain any sort of personal life.


  1. Oh my gosh, these are beautiful. So odd to see so much beauty in skittery and skewed drawings of telephones, but there you have it. Beautiful.
    PS I need to get a good scanner, too. Execrable photographs and me are no strangers to each other. PPS Hope you're feeling better than you were.

  2. These are great, Jes. I love the loose pattern. They make me feel happy.

  3. I don't wanna play favorites, but I can't help it. Your's are SO amazing! I like the top phone the most, all the buttons and it has a lot of depth to it still.

    REALLY great drawing Seeks!

    thanks for taking part!

  4. I like these a lot, the buttons all misplaced and jumbled together are much more fun and interesting this way, wow great phome cord in the second one too!

  5. pretty rad, jes. it just goes to show, the more complicated thing you choose to draw turns out the best.

  6. Just fabulous - I love the dancing quality of the buttons and the curly cable in the bottom drawing especially - the scanner thing doesn't matter a bit - I'm glad you posted them as they are, Fab illus.

  7. thanks all for the feedback; i'm glad everyone likes these.

    trisk-i'll have to disagree with you to an extent. the line quality is much harder to see in these pictures than had they been scanned. i see your point though-they really do look a lot bigger than they are.
