Thursday, May 18, 2006

contemplations on another year living

I missed posting on my birthday. What a sad development. I had visions of drawings of my beautiful cake, photos of me little, and all that came of it was another day without a post. To top it off, this is simply another day of importance that I have failed to post for. I missed Niff's birthday, Mother's Day, two of my brother's birthdays. Sigh. What am I doing if I'm not posting???

Well, I am trying to figure out a way to make this up to the world. To all of the people I love and fail to write about. Today is the first day of the rest of my blogging life. So. The way I figure I'll do this is to work in a mirror-image type of schedule. Niff's birthday is a week before mine, so next week, I'll post like it was her birthday. Mother's day was the Sunday before my birthday, so I'll post next Sunday for my mom. Lame, but it will have to do. Well okay, so next Sunday will actually have to go to my bro Rico... it's his actual birthday that day. Maybe I'll post about my mom another day. Anyhow. Point is I'd like to catch up by the end of the month.

And to show that I am really serious about this, I'm going to comment on my birthday. Right here and right now.

little ol' me at age 6 or so
seven year old seeks, i think.

I am officially 28 as of sometime yesterday in the late morning. I've decided 28 is a strange age, as are many ages in the late twenties. I'm officially an adult, there can be no mistaking that. I'm not really middle aged, I feel like that designation continues to move upwards anyway, what with the increasing life span of today's population. So I'm neither young nor old, but I'm definitely an adult. I am free-wheeling compared to some of my peers, particularly because I have no kids to settle me down. I re-met one of my high school classmates, a couple of years younger than I am, who has four kids under the age of seven. I'm definitely behind on that chapter of my life. (Though I know I have time.) Simultaneously, even if I am footloose and fancy free compared to my parental peers, I am one of the big people that little kids either look up to or get scared by. Perhaps some little girl somewhere idolizes me and wants to grow up just like me. Perhaps some other kid just thinks I'm mean and old and insensitive. (I would venture to say the latter kid is either in middle or high school.)

I find myself realizing how little age actually means now that I have overcome the hurdles of childhood, adolescence, and emerging adulthood. Perhaps in ten years, I'll have completely different feelings about this, but right now it seems as though life simply continues and none of the absolutes I put so much faith in as a child and teen hold all that much water. Well, more accurately, I never could understand why adults couldn't just say what they mean and be consistent. Now I know that that is the last thing I will ever be able to expect from people because they consistently think they say what they mean, but may or may not be clear depending on the audience. Absolute and abrupt explanations on the world only partially apply to anything in the world and the wishy-washy explanations don't tell you anything. I have certainly developed a lot less conclusions about life and what I know these days.

Regardless, life is good. I am one happy camper, and I don't think I could have ever predicted myself where I am today. Yay for yesterday and all that has faced me and passed over me and became part of me over the past 28 years!

birthday cake
my wobbly birthday cake-it was either eat it or draw it... i preferred to eat it

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