Saturday, March 12, 2011

Drawing studio 1

As stated earlier, I have signed myself up for a figure drawing studio "class" at the local (awesome) art school. It's about 3 hours every Sunday spent drawing naked people who try to stay still for ten to twenty minute stints. I haven't done figure drawing in quite some time, so resuming this hobby is as intimidating as it is gratifying. I really have a lot to learn, relearn, and unlearn. A mild disclaimer: I don't go every Sunday. I have things like chopping wood and sewing dresses demanding my attention.

I'm not going to really go into it much further than that, I'm just going to post some pics from the
sessions as I see fit. These two were done trying out the pressed charcoal that I'm holding in the picture at the top. I had never used it before, but it really made playing up the curves fun!

Feedback/critiques are welcome, especially if
you can explain clearly any techniques you think that I may benefit from. It's hard when you're not physically here to show me what you're talking about. I am fully aware that these pieces could improve and look forward to getting even better.

But I am also just happy getting my hands dirty.

1 comment:

  1. When I went to AIP, we had figure drawing my first semester. Sooo much fun! The models were very thin, so I didn't quite get the curves down, but nevertheless, a great experience. Good luck, you've got it locked down!
