I've come to enjoy Gertie's posts on vintage styles and her take on sewing. The information she's given on sizing, techniques and doing a small bust adjustment (SBA) on patterns was what hooked me, but she is thoughtful and engaging in her blog posts. I've been tracking her sew-along the past few months, and she's just finished it up in the past week. People have been posting their versions of this dress all month, so I am a latecomer. The disadvantage is that I won't likely be getting the same feedback from fellow sew-alongers as I did from the swing-dress crew when I post my progress. However, I will still be posting, in the hopes that I'll get some input (you're welcome to give yours, also).
I had decided to do this dress only after I got this fabric that I felt would do well. It's a border print, so I am adding a complicating factor to the whole process. However, after snagging this lovely crepe print on ebay, I really felt it'd look perfect for this dress. I had a hard time finding any substantial posts on using border prints and the complications that they present in sewing different patterns, so I expect I'll be whingeing on here often about my choice. I'll have to underline this dress too, since the fabric is so sheer and light, but have chosen a thin satiny lining this time around. Having seen other folks' underlining choices and from the nonchalant reaction from JoAnn staff about how to choose a proper underlining, I've decided to give this a try. My muslin will likely be done with an underlining too, just to make sure I get a sense of how to sew with two very thin fabrics. I'd rather know if it'll be a disaster before I tear my hair out on the fashion fabric.
Any advice?
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