Saturday, October 15, 2005

hell on wings

this thing loves me

as the weather starts cooling down, i now can enter the great outdoors with some sense of security again. over the summer, mosquitos devour me, literally. i think i must do all the wrong things to attract them. all i know is that they gravitate to me before anyone else, and drive me batty.

so, what better thing to do with something you hate than to make it your own? ta-da! i have drawn myself a bloodsuckin' skeeter.


  1. you drew this??? looks like some kind of macro photo, how'd you do this?

  2. hehe,yes cindy, i drew it from a photo reference using my pilot p-500 extra fine point pen. after i scanned it, i played with it in photoshop and made three different layers of the blasted bug-red, blue, and black. i set all of these layers off a bit from each other and then just did the background. perhaps the multiple layers make it look like a macro photo? or maybe because i drew it from a picture?

  3. yeah, i agree with cin, this really doesnt look like a seek drawing. it looks like a drawing from a textbook or something. very cool though-and congrats on finally enjoying the outdoors.

  4. ooooohh. i see what you and cin might be saying. yeah, i suppose it's not generally seek-style, but i wanted to try something different. i've got further plans to play with the same image of the mosquito, but we'll see where it goes.

  5. This is a fabulous drawing and I can't wait to see what else you do with it! I applaud your creativity, too- love how you got a drawing to look like a photograph!!!!
