Thursday, August 18, 2011

Guest Posting at Lexie's Kitchen

One of the things that I have really enjoyed about my new endeavors in blogland is that I have become acquainted with a great set of supportive communities. There have been a few mentions here and there in the sewing blog spheres on how supportive the online community has been for a number of people. The same goes for the food/healthy eating blogosphere. I have gotten so much out of following a number of health minded folks with a span of dietary concerns and goals. I find myself starring posts on meals I want to try right after I marked a free online skirt pattern that I want to try. And just as the sewing community has sew-alongs, the food community has shown an equal interest in mutual support with "adopt-a-blogger" posts where a blogger chooses another blogger's recipes to make and enjoy (and share with the rest of us who may not be as familiar with their culinary goodies). It should come as no surprise with this amount of collaboration, that my starred list is quickly outrunning my calendar year in which to make things.
This is Lexie!

That being said, I am really excited to announce that I am officially contributing a piece to Lexie's "Making the Switch" series. Lexie from Lexie's Kitchen does a great job of reviewing just what you can make/cook/eat out there that is gluten and casein free (as well as free of other allergens). And she has made this commitment to healthy foods because of her family's health needs. You can read more about her experience here.

Because Lexie understands that it sometimes takes significant life events to bring us to a healthier lifestyle, she has asked others who have "made the switch" in their diets to share their stories.

She describes it this way on her blog:

Making the Switch, spotlights everyday people journeying on to better health and well-being by choosing pure food over processed. For some, it has been gradual. For others it was a complete about-face. 
Putting the modified diet focus of this blog aside, Making the Switch is open to all. The point being to bring personal stories to light that encourage young and old to get back into the kitchen to cook real food. As Jamie Oliver puts it, “make only a few small changes and magical things will happen.” Whether it’s weight loss, improvements in a child's behavior or the regaining of health, magical things will happen.
WHAT'S YOUR STORY? Consider being featured onMaking the SwitchClick here and drop me a line telling me a little about yourself. Someone is waiting to be inspired by YOU!
Any college students out there? We'd love to hear from you?

Today, I get to share my story! I hope you'll go and check it out!

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