To explain a little on the award, it's given to blogs with under 200 followers that one feels should get more attention. I went through my long list of blogs to follow, and tried to really focus on those who haven't been mentioned in recent Leibster lists. And some of the ones I had thought would be good options are well on their way to 500+ followers, so I have to say it helped to narrow things down. (Seriously, don't expect Google Friend Connect to give you accurate numbers. I follow most folks via Google Reader, and there be plenty o' folks who do the same through this and other RSS feeds!)
The first blog I'd like to recommend is Cretur Fetur. It's not a sewing blog, but the amazing creations that are created here are to. die. for. Especially when you're a big nerd like I am for under appreciated animals of amazing zoological fascination value.
I mean, this quail is exceedingly cute, but what about this axylotl? Or this fantastical beast alebrije?
The funny part is that I found this site via an online comic, Hobo Lobo of Hamelin. Also a very worthwhile visit. Especially if you like to side-scroll. I can't wait to see what updates get posted!
The second recommendation is also not a sewing blog, but I've mentioned her work before. Vital Temptation Design, aka Laboratory of Fashion, continues to delight me with updates on her work. I just love looking at coral-like felty wardrobe creations, I guess.
The last three *are* sewing blogs, for those with such preferences. And I really do feel they deserve special attention, simply because this sewing community online really is amazingly supportive and inspirational to me. :)

I'm also really fond of Sølvi over at Delfinelise. I just like her style sensibilities, I guess. I like pretty much anything she makes. If only I were patient enough to complete any of my own projects. To top it off, she's totally helping to organize the That's Sew Cinematic Challenge, along with Debi, Meg, Sarah, and Veronica Darling! (I can't leave off the Darling. It just seems wrong.)

She also does a number of refashions, so she's got plenty of love from me on that end too. :) And her floppy dark hair is so... dreamy. ;)
So, thanks again Kat for the blog-love! And I hope you lovely readers enjoy my own recommendations as well. I've been impressed by all of the work out there that's being done, being done well, and being done often. You have my utmost admiration!
Ooooohh!!! Thanks for recommend my blog and for all your kind words!!!
Aww, thanks for your lovely comments about my blog Seeks! :) :)